• In the heart of the beautiful Brainerd Lakes area

  • 2025 Board of Directors

  • Deb Gruber - Programs Director

    • The purpose of the Program Director is to recruit and manage good quality programs for our members at the membership meetings and an annual ½ day seminar.



    Kristi Lane - President Elect

    • Assist the president in overseeing all the activities of the chapter.  In the absence of the president, performs all the presidential responsibilities.


    Mandy Vanek - President

    • Provide leadership to the local chapter consistent with state, regional, and SHRM policy, strategies and objectives.  Effectively operate the chapter so that the needs of the members are met.  Perform other duties as required by the local chapter's bylaws.  Serve as a voting member of the state council.



    Shelly Trimble - Past President

    • Advise the president and other officers and members of the board of directors regarding past practices, general operations, and other matters to assist in the smooth operation of the chapter.


  • MaryAnn Lindell

    • The Secretary coordinates communications on behalf of the organization.


    Brittany Bowman - Treasurer

    • Attends various meetings and conferences, manages membership changes and dues, handles financial transactions and reconciliations, and ensures accurate record-keeping and reporting for the organization. Additionally, it requires coordinating with the Membership Director and Secretary to verify attendance and process invoices for new members.


    Shannon Sawyer - Membership​

    • Promote LAHRA benefits to prospective members via multiple means and process new member applications with partnership with the Treasurer.


    Teresa Anderson - Marketing

    • The Marketing director coordinates and serves as the chair of the marketing activities for LAHRA. The director oversees such actives as the website, news releases, public relations and helps to encourage and build the image of the chapter.


    Dave Bergin - Board Advisor

    • The position will be filled by past, past presidents or past board member that is appointed by the board. The role of the Board Advisor is to serve as an historical, organizational, and advisory position. 
  • Thank you to all who have served on the Board of Directors previously.

    If interested in serving on the Board of Directors for 2026 please be sure to reach out to a member of the current Board of Directors. Volunteers are always encouraged!